New Moral ARMY™

Join the
New Moral Army™


New Moral Army™ - The greatest political, social and economic movement in human history. #NewMoralArmy #NMA #ToxicWealth #50MM #NationalUsury #TUC. To support the movement, join the moral army @

New Moral ARMY™

Support the Movement.
Join the New Moral Army™

If you contribute to just one cause this year,
make sure it’s the one that is guaranteed to change society for the better – forever.

By donating just £10 a month, you can join the greatest social movement in human history, bar none – the New Moral Army™.

Click here to join the New Moral Army™ by donating at Donorbox.

We have a ‘Million Member Mission’. A million members will ensure that no matter what opposition may raise its ugly head, we will vanquish it at the global level and fully implement the three paradigm-shifting policies. These policies will permanently free humanity from the clutches of parasitic greed and corruption.

To honour the initial thousand members of this monumental movement, the names of the first 1000 sponsors – who wish to be recorded for prosperity – will have their names listed on the New Moral Army™ Founding Members List, which will be published online, as well as in a future ‘hard copy’, such as a book. After 3 solid years of monthly membership (minimum donation £10 a month), your name will be highlighted as a ‘permanent founding member’. Alternatively, a single £500 donation will establish you as a permanent NMA™ Founding Member.

You’ve learnt that politics and the politicians have been utterly corrupted.
You’ve learnt that the banksters and billionaires control society.
You’ve learnt that the people are being fleeced.
Join the New Moral Army™.

To join a truly moral army, donate from just £10 a month. Go to…

“It is always best to be involved in social change, somewhere in between doing as much as you can, and doing enough.

To act outside of either of these two boundaries is very much – in equal measure – a complete waste of time.”


NEW MORAL ARMY™ Saint George & Dragon Shield (White on Black).

It’s not a cliche – this really does change everything!

